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I like a quote a fellow therapist recently shared with me that “it never ceases to amaze me how ‘mind boggling’ this work is”. For me it’s always such an honor to take part in this kind of facilitation:

I am so glad I decided to see Philip.  I had three sessions with him:  one to address anxiety around a new job, one to address insomnia, and one to address more general issues around self-acceptance.  After each session, I saw a dramatic improvement in the issue we worked on.  Philip also gave me guidance in practicing self-hypnosis in between sessions, which was also highly effective.  I found Philip to be an insightful and caring professional who clearly loves his work.  I would recommend him to anybody struggling with similar issues.

Michelle Willard, Greenfield, MA

I used to have very deep wounds & have sought out, been coached by many internationally renowned individuals so I am not a newbie to change work.
Philip Rowland, with use of Clean Language and Ericksonian language patterns, brought me to a renewed awareness of latent issues I had been holding onto for decades.
The resulting shifts that occurred from working with him literally touched the deeps of my soul, bringing light into some dark area of my life. I am impressed with his gentle kindness and intent on creating change within his clients.

Rev. L E Mason, Healing Prayer Minister

Hi Philip,
I’ve been meaning to write and thank you for the hypnotherapy session last
week in Northfield. I have not experienced any sort of panic attack on the
highway since then… So far I’ve only had an occasional niggling sense of disquiet when driving on the highway; not a full-blown anxiety attack. I haven’t been very good at following up with practicing myself, I’m afraid, and wonder how much of a difference it will make if I don’t. I guess I still just can’t believe I’m “cured”.

Diana Roberts, Greenfield, MA

A journey into Transpersonal Hypnotherapy offers the opportunity to explore the inmost depths of the territories of our consciousness.  The process invites a stillness of mind that allows soul and spirit to share there wisdom and enables change to occur in a profound and enduring manner.  Of the deeply transformative therapies and techniques I have explored, this is by far the safest, most effective and truly delightful.  Philip Rowland is not only a gatekeeper and guide into the unknown and the mystifying, but a true friend alongside an exciting and joyful adventure. I encourage all receptive and curious souls to invite the blessing of this experience into their lives.

Mary Collins, Shutesbury, MA

While the world of metaphors can be delightful, it can also be frightening—when working through deep-seated issues. Philip does a wonderful job of accompanying you there and expanding the sense of possibilities. The metaphor work helped me in a difficult relationship to actually experience the feelings of genuine concern for the individual without feeling vulnerable to them—and it played out exactly that way in the next few encounters! This is beautiful work, Philip! Thank you!

Kelly Yoakam, M.A., MI

I have had the privilege to trade sessions with Philip, and as a therapist myself, I can say he is highly skilled and effective at what he does. When he carries out the hypnotherapy, I feel as if I’m with Milton H. Erickson himself! I have learned a great deal, as well.

Leah Ruby, LMSW, PNA